Joana Starnes lives in the south of England with her family.
She swapped several hats over the years (physician, lecturer, clinical data analyst) but feels most comfortable in a bonnet.
She has been living in Regency England for decades in her imagination, and plans to continue in that vein till she lays hands on a time machine.
She loves to look for glimpses of Pemberley and Jane Austen’s world, and to write about Regency England and Mr Darcy falling in love with Elizabeth Bennet over and over and over again.
She is the author of twelve Austen-inspired novels and a contributor to the Quill Ink Anthologies.
Joana’s novels are all available on Amazon in Kindle Unlimited and in paperback, and some have also been released in Audible.

Joana’s page on Amazon

You can connect with Joana on:
This website
Austen Variations

Joana also was one of the contributors to the BBC programme
My Friend Jane, aired in July 2017
in honour of the Jane Austen bicentenary.
Visit the BBC website for videoclips, details and pictures.